- Jun 15, 2021
- b toumi
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In order to reduce the intensity of the migratory phenomenon, the member countries of the European Union must invest more in the countries of the South while ensuring a transfer of technology capable of improving the situation of their respective economies, considers Arslan Chikhaoui, specialist in geostrategic issues.

“The challenge for the European Union is to stimulate productive investment, the transfer of knowledge, innovation and the sharing of technologies in the direction of the countries of the South. This will make it possible to deepen and consolidate the process of Win- Win “, supports the specialist in a contribution published Saturday in the newspaper Expression.
According to him, “the securing of a homogeneous, peaceful and integrated emerging sub-Mediterranean region represents both a geopolitical and economic objective for the decades to come in order to contain illegal emigration and to face all kinds of emerging third generation threats “.
He will add that “the establishment of an EU neighborhood policy based on the 3M strategy (Market, Money, Mobility) and strong and concerted confidence measures is a security challenge for the order. social and stability in North Africa, the Sahel and the Mediterranean “.
The expert considers, moreover, that “the last military coup in Mali and the exacerbation of low-intensity conflicts in the Sahelian sub-region can only be a factor in the increase of the sub-Saharan migratory flow towards the Mediterranean. passing through the countries of North Africa “.
He will point out that “the Mediterranean region, North Africa and the Sahel, continue to be the main route of multifaceted trafficking”, specifying that it is a region which “suffers recurrently. low intensity conflicts, multidimensional crises, activities of Violent Extremist Organizations (VEOs) and organized crime “.
The fight against terrorism and organized crime undoubtedly requires structured international cooperation and the ability to formulate common policies, he assures us. “The region is far from achieving such coherence in this area. Terrorism and arms smuggling have continued to be a source of tension since the early 1990s, which has been accentuated since the -Arab Spring- of 2011”, deplores nevertheless, Arslan Chikhaoui.
“Drug trafficking to Europe is done mainly through illegal immigrants from different sub-regions of North Africa. This dual trafficking (narcotics and illegal immigration) is therefore becoming one of the major concerns of states North Africa and European states, “he explains.
“Over time, the link between drug trafficking, financial mafia, money laundering, arms smuggling and terrorism became apparent. This is seen as a significant security challenge for social order and stability “, notes the expert.
Abbreviation of the original text can be found here: www.aps.dz
Translation: Google Translate