Selina Langtry White

Selina Langtry White

Over 40 years in the aviation industry. 18 years as Senior Cabin Crew/Head of Cabin Staff for British Airways and a major charter airline. Four years experience in overseas contracting and Head of Overseas Personnel for a leading UK Tour Operator. Six year maximum term on the Civil Aviation Authority funded Air Transport Users Council, the latter part served as Chair of the Safety and Security Sub-Committee. 19 years on the Gatwick Airport Consultative Committee Passenger Services Sub-Committee, Member of the Security group and leader of the Business and Premium Passenger group.

Selina visited Algeria for the first time in 1996 when JetAir initiated air links between the UK and Hassi Messaoud on behalf of a major oil company. In her capacity as a Company Director she made regular visits to Algeria. Close collaboration with the RedMed Group led to the formation of an Algerian, British joint venture, JetAir Sahara, which provides aviation handling services within Algeria.