Gain new business leads, contacts and increase the visibility of your brand! is visited by business decision makers both from the UK and Algeria, who are looking for business opportunities and new business contacts in both countries.

The following banner spaces are offered to businesses:

Wide Skyscraper banner; size 300px x 600px.
Displayed on selected page of website
Cost: £500 / month / page

Small banner; size 300 x 250px
Displayed on selected page of website
Cost: £350 / month /page

Home page, horizontal banner (leaderboard); size 728 x 90px
Displayed on home page of website
Cost: £600 / month

Sponsored article – full page with company logo and additional imagery
Created as an item in the main navigation as well.
Cost: 1,000 / month

Examples of advertising on ABBC website

Discounts for long term placements are available
– subject to individually tailored pricing.
For details, please contact us here

Technical requirements for Flash banners:

  • File size is limited to 200 KB
  • CPU usage must be limited
  • File format: JPG, .GIF, .PNG, Flash
  • Flash Clicks/Links use clickTAG’s
  • Obfuscated Flash banners are forbidden

To discuss technical aspects of your advertising or advice on design or to have your banner designed, please contact Robert Topolski, ABBC Digital Manager, by email on [email protected]

To discuss advertising rates, long-term advertising campaigns and alternative ways of advertising your business on, please send a query via contact form here