ABBC consultancy service
Membership of the ABBC is compulsory: £1,500
- To facilitate setting up a trade visit to Algeria – organising the programme
- Arranging transport
- Translator if necessary
- Obtaining a Letter of Invitation for the Visa
- Meeting with the British Ambassador at the British Embassy in Algiers
- Meeting with the Algerian Ambassador to London
- Meetings with Algerian Government departments and entities
- Individual high level briefings where appropriate
- Cost: £1,500
Algeria country manager’s on the ground support and services: £250 per week.
To be escorted and have the assistance of the Chairman Lady Olga Maitland or other senior member of the ABBC:
£750 per day plus all expenses hotel and transport.
All payments to be made direct to the ABBC
Bank HSBC Account no 62259915 Sort code 40-05-16