From Embassy of Algeria, London
London 24th May 2023

Dear Lady Olga Maitland,

While I am preparing to leave your beautiful county, given that my mission as the Ambassador of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria to the Court of St James is coming to an end on 1st June 2023, I, firstly, would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you for the huge work you have undertaken in the service of the economic and trade cooperation between our two countries.

I particularly wish to congratulate you for your numerous initiatives and the business missions that you undertake and lead in Algeria at the head of Algeria British Business Council (ABBC) to build and strengthen a consistent partnership between the economic operators of our two countries.

I wish you and the members of your family good health and continued success as the head of the ABBC.

Best regards and warmest wishes,

Launes Magramme
Ambassador of Algeria to the Court of St. James’s